Therapeutic coaching that propels you forward.

There are life coaches who focus on habits and action steps, and there are trauma-therapists who dig into your childhood to help uncover unconscious patterning that's keeping you stuck. 

I’m somewhere in the middle. We do deep work in a somatic-based therapeutic style, with the addition of practical action steps between sessions so you not only understand yourself better, but things actually change.

When you share your vision for how you want your life to be different, I can see the blueprint for how to create that on a very tangible level. I support you to do the damn thing in an embodied way, aligned with values, in deep intimacy with feelings, and always with humor and compassion. 

What the hell is a transmission?

This term used to be a big turn off for me because it sounded arrogant and manipulative the way I saw coaches using it. But now having experienced transmissions that stuck with me for years from as little as a two hour lecture with teachers like John Wineland and Ram Dass, I get it. 

Transmission means you can adopt qualities and skills I possess by being in my energetic field. That’s the esoteric explanation. If we want to talk psychology and physics we’d get into mirror neurons, learned behavior (same way kids learn from parents) and neuro-attunement. That’s the way our nervous systems co-regulate with a secure and stable person combined with emotional attunement: learning emotional maturity and capacity through relationship with another.

this kind of coaching is applicable to everything from your business to your bedroom. Because how we do one thing is a reflection of how we do everything. 

Whether it’s feeling stuck in your marriage or stuck with your earning power that brings you to coaching, the transmissions, transformative insights, and embodiment practices will uplevel every other area of your life. 

Schedule a                    session here:

Schedule a               session here...

feel it out


feel it out

a deeper relationship to truth: knowing it, speaking it, living it

more fearlessness in love

finely-tuned discernment for better choices and unshakeable self-trust

ease with boundary setting

nervous system regulation for groundedness and stress-resilience

waking back up sexuality and sensuality

addressing maladaptive behaviors and wounded patterns

the dissolving of shame 

discipline with self-destructive thinking and behaviors

improved body image and relationship with body

increased income and financial stability

easy relationship to food, movement, and self-care

knowing + communicating your needs

raising your standards and learning how to hold out for the full-body yes

overcoming fears of being seen

dismantling perfectionism blocks and pursuing big dreams

will-power to follow through

overcoming self-sabotage and addictions

Some of the transformations observed by clients: 

So what kind of transmissions might you receive in our work?

This is always evolving as I’m always evolving and you’re always evolving.

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nervous system regulation through breath, meditation, visualization, sound, and movement

implementing systems that free up mental space and time

dialing in your daily routines and habits

structure and space for processing emotion so you can be present with life and move forward

accountability that keeps you on purpose and on track

bringing the blind spots and unconscious beliefs into the light so you can make choices rather than behave from conditioning

ritual and ceremony to bring the sacred and meaningfulness back into daily life

modeling secure attachment and unconditional approval for the full spectrum of your humanity *do not underestimate the power of a consistent, healthy, safe and loving relationship in your life*

implementing healthy boundaries 

learning effective communication skills: identifying needs, communicating clearly, I-messages, making requests, owning feelings, effective apologies, repairing from conflict

my vast well of knowledge at your disposal whether it be business, sex, relationship with your own body, or something else.

Okay, but HOW?

Who I work with:

Whether it’s through internal medicine, nervous system retraining, or asking the powerful questions ... we are creating that space between trigger and response in our work together. 

⤀ The woman who is too smart for her therapist

⤀ The woman who IS a therapist or coach and needs someone who can hold and challenge them 

⤀ The woman starting her business or scaling her business

⤀ The woman burnt out by her business or career 

⤀ The woman who can’t decide if she stays in the relationship or leaves  

⤀ The woman who lost touch with her sensuality, her playfulness, her joy, or her passion 

⤀ The woman who has a deep desire for meaningful work and a purpose-driven life but doesn’t know where to start 

⤀ The woman who is sick of obsessing about food or exercise 

⤀ The woman who knows she’s worth more than she’s earning 

⤀ The woman who is ready for her life partner

⤀ The woman who is reinventing herself after motherhood or chronic illness or injury or divorce 

⤀ The woman who feels stuck in her relationship or career 

⤀ The woman who has a vision but needs a path to get there 

⤀ The woman who longs for more: love, money, time, freedom, power, connection, depth

apply for 1:1

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

- Vicktor Emil Frankl

Packages start at $1500/month for 3 or 6 months.

Includes transformative video coaching calls: 90-min initial sesh, two 60-min calls a month and 90-min final session. Action items after every call. 

Daily support via Voxer App (text and audio message app). 

Discounts offered for Pay-In-Full

I always reserve one space for financial need clients, please let me know in your application if this is you.

Packages start at $1500/month for 3 or 6 months.
Includes transformative video coaching calls: 90-min opening and closing sessions, two 60-min calls a month. Clear action items after every call. 
Daily support via Voxer App (text and audio message app). 
Discounts offered for Pay-In-Full
I always reserve one space for financial need clients, please let me know in your application if this is you.

Ready to apply? 

click here to get started


"Wow well sooooo much!!! I've taken the first part of this year to review my last year and just finished this because so much came up and was worked through and have new insight and understandings of my patterns. I became aware of the clenching and bracing I was holding in my body and in my mind because I felt like I needed to be prepared for battle. I became aware of how my attachment issue shows up in life by feeling not chosen or picked and what to do about this when I start to feel it come up. How to show myself proof I am chosen everyday by people I love. I became aware of how I project onto others when it is a me thing. I learned to ask for what I need instead of unconsciously creating a fight to get a need met. I learned instead of living in a constant state of questioning and going back and forth, perseverating. I can choose to set it down for a period of time to come back to it and how that gives so much back to my system. At times a knowing comes from this and at times it is good to just set it down and not waste all the energy."

"Everything I came to you with was met with wisdom and experience that was helpful. After spending so much time and energy trying to find a therapist to guide me through some of my stuff, it was really helpful to have someone who could actually guide me through challenges and barriers in ways I couldn't have moved through them on my own. I valued all of your feedback, whether it was on my relationship, my business, or my family relationships - everything you offered me was helpful and practical/useful."

"What new insights or awareness do you have as a result of the coaching container?" 

and here's what they said...

I asked some past clients,

More love letters from clients...

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ready to get started?

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

- Vicktor Emil Frankl

Click here to learn more

Whether you’re just starting out or scaling a business, my precision coaching will save you money, time, and frustration. 

While I don't coach coaches, I am here to support anyone in the health and wellness field. If that's you... 

Are you a wellness professional looking for business coaching?

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