My doctorate is in acupuncture and I’m a functional medicine clinician too. After 10 years working with patients 1:1 in holistic healthcare as the owner of Amaluna Wellness, I realized it was often the questions I asked and the way that I could see people and their patterns that was catalyzing the healing breakthroughs. I have been studying Eastern spiritual practices and philosophies for the past decade, which deeply informs my work. 

My journey has included years of somatic-based psychotherapy, breathwork, meditation, plant medicine, pilgrimages, shadow work, neurofeedback, tantric arts, embodiment apprenticeships, yoga, and many years of formal education.

I'm also a sex educator, dedicated meditator, breathwork facilitator, homeowner, dog mom, Harley-lover, and world traveler.

I'm Caite.

hi there,

(silent e).

I'm Caite.

⤀ 10 years in holistic healthcare and thousands of 1:1 therapeutic client sessions

⤀ 10 years running a multi 6-figure business, Amaluna Wellness

⤀ 5 years of formal grad and postgrad education in eastern and functional medicine

⤀ Over 2,000 hours practicing Vedic meditation, studying the Vedas, Siddhis, Sutras, and Kriyas

⤀ Learning under Michaela Boehm, Tirzah Firestone, Kendra Cunov, Mark Silver, Marie Forleo, Danielle Laporte, and many more

⤀ John Wineland trainings on embodiment, tantra, relational polarity, & intimacy

⤀ Trauma-informed trained and practiced

⤀ A deep understanding of nervous system regulation, nutrition, body dysmorphia, addiction, mental and emotional health

The experience I bring:

Permission for     

all of you.

Permission to be powerful and loved. 

Permission to be super smart, spiritual      sexually liberated.


Click here to learn about all of the ways that you can work with me. 

Ready to work together? 

I like to get to know people by asking what lights them up, so I thought I'd go first. 

long solo hikes, motorcycle rides in the mountains blasting good music through my headphones, boujie hotels and Airbnb’s, breaking the rules, hot springs, unstructured days, witnessing healing transformations, sweating for a beautiful view, people who are quick to laugh and know how to play, sunrises (my version of church), matcha lattés or cacao elixirs on cold mornings, shameless flirting (outside the office), acupuncture, mezcal on the rocks, overalls, sundresses, and cut off shirts, spliff dates with girlfriends, gluten-free waffles, integrative health conferences, stargazing, rooftop dance parties, hammocks, celebrating tiny wins, getting dirty in the mountains, analyzing lab test results, interior design, geeking out on basically anything intellectually stimulating (healthcare, consciousness, anthropology, culture, psychology, realizing it’s all the same), houseplants, street-style tacos, adopting new hobbies and having my main complaint be not enough time for them all, falling in love through eye contact, humming, nude sunbathing, jumping jacks, hosting women’s circles, fresh flowers in the kitchen, saying yes when I’m scared, myrrh incense, forgiving easily, campfires, surprising friends with gifts, my meditation practice, setting intentions on the new moon, reading PubMed studies, singing along to everything, appreciating art and creativity in all forms, sore abs and glutes from doing something hard, saying f*ck it and choosing fun, and 1000 other things, because that whole cliché about life being a gift feels true every day to me.

A little bit about what lights me up.