
Saying Yes Before You’re “Ready”

June 16, 2021

If I had waited until I was “ready”, which really means until I don’t feel scared, I’d still be waiting.

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Saying yes before you're "ready"
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I'm Caite!

I'm a rule-breaking holistic healer and transformation coach, here to empower you to pursue your most audacious desires without sacrificing your vitality, turn-on, or mental health in the process.


Ready to  actually do the damn thing?


Work with me 1-on-1 or gather in a group container.

Most of the important and big things that I’ve done in my life I did before I felt ready. I continue to move forward with plans/projects/ideas/aspirations long before I feel confident.

I go to the naked hot springs with my friends when I am in deep insecurity about the way my body looks, I hire the employee before I know if I have the demand to meet the expansion, I spend the money on the house projects without the income being in my savings account. I go on the hike when I feel like I’m getting a migraine, I hire the coach before the vision is fully formed for the business, take the time off when I’m not sure the clients will be there when I come back, and I go on the date despite my face breaking out.

If I had waited until I was “ready”, which really means until I don’t feel scared, I’d still be waiting.

On occasion, I’ve had friends reflect back to me that I don’t seem like I have a lot of fear in the way that I live my life, and I’m not sure that’s it. I just have a very comfortable relationship with my fear, where I recognize it underneath so many of my major life choices, and also know that I don’t need to listen to fear most of the time.

That aphorism about feeling the fear and doing it anyway has been the opening for so many incredible adventures and relationships.

A big piece of my work with coaching clients is identifying which fears are helpful versus those that keep us small and stuck.

Having someone in your corner can allow you to start making more courageous choices.

To scared yes’s,

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