
What If There Isn’t Anything Wrong With You?

June 16, 2021

What happens when we let go of resistance and accept how things are, even for a few moments? Our nervous system relaxes. And it is with a relaxed nervous system, that we can see clearly, make good choices, and heal. 

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I'm Caite!

I'm a rule-breaking holistic healer and transformation coach, here to empower you to pursue your most audacious desires without sacrificing your vitality, turn-on, or mental health in the process.


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2021 (or whatever year you’re reading this), new year… same you.

And that is a beautiful thing. This time of year is hyper-focused on changing ourselves and our lives. The vibe, while inspiring in theory, is very likely to register as a threat to your nervous system. The underlying message is, “there is something wrong with you, and now is the time to fix it”. Your nervous system goes, “oh, sh*t!”. 

I invite you to try something with me. 

Take a deep breath in, and feel your feet on the ground. Now, imagine that I could see 10, 15, 20 years into your future and am writing you this email to tell you that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be right now. Your relationship status, your weight, your job, your house, your kids, your health, your savings account, all of it is exactly where it should be. It is perfectly right for this moment in time on your journey. And the current state of things in your life is serving a purpose that is helping you get to where you want to go, even though you can’t see it yet. 

With this faith that nothing actually needs to change in this particular moment, see if you can feel what it would be like to accept how things are in your life, right now. It doesn’t mean you’re giving up on things you want or need to change, and it doesn’t mean you have to like all of it. But, attempt a moment of radical acceptance. Deep breath in, let your shoulders melt down your back, unclench your jaw, relax your hands, and again, notice your feet firmly on the ground. 

What happens when we let go of resistance and accept how things are, even for a few moments? Our nervous system relaxes. And it is with a relaxed nervous system, that we can see clearly, make good choices, and heal. 

I want to offer you tools and support for making whatever changes you want to this year. But I don’t want to do it the way the wellness industry typically does it. Which is to inundate you with subliminal messages that make you feel like you’re broken, behind, and missing out, unworthy of getting what you want as you currently are. Followed swiftly with, “But don’t worry, I have THE thing that’s going to fix you, so maybe then you can get what you want”. Fear-based marketing, however subtle, keeps your nervous system in fight-flight-freeze. And we can’t heal like that. Which, conveniently, makes us great consumers. Because what do happy, healthy people need? Not much. 

We don’t heal by subscribing to the myth that we’re broken, damaged, or defective. We don’t heal when we’re in fear. And ultimately, we don’t get “fixed” by pills, products, healers, or new diets. I want you to stop giving away your power this year. You heal you. 

I know, this probably sounds like I’m making a case against myself, and you might be wondering what it is I do then…

My hope is that I help you access the place inside you that isn’t imbalanced or sick: The essence of you that’s fully healed, whole, and unconditionally lovable. That I challenge you to think differently, see something from a new perspective, or feel something different… little nudges that disrupt your habitual patterns just enough so you can get yourself unstuck. That I support you in forming a relationship to your body, your health, your life that isn’t founded in fear and instead is empowered. Finally, that I assist you in creating the conditions in which you can heal, perhaps first in my space, and then in your own life. 

May it be so,
Dr. Caite 

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