
6 Ways I Stalled My Own Success

July 23, 2023

I want to share some very common ways I see women getting in the way of their own success when building their businesses. These are all sneaky ways we avoid doing the work that actually creates income and impact. The number #1 thing I observe is women trying to do TOO much, feeling exhausted, burnt […]

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I'm Caite!

I'm a rule-breaking holistic healer and transformation coach, here to empower you to pursue your most audacious desires without sacrificing your vitality, turn-on, or mental health in the process.


Ready to  actually do the damn thing?


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I want to share some very common ways I see women getting in the way of their own success when building their businesses. These are all sneaky ways we avoid doing the work that actually creates income and impact.

The number #1 thing I observe is women trying to do TOO much, feeling exhausted, burnt out, and defeated and then giving up. Which breaks my heart, because we need your gifts.

I did every single one of these and still get tempted into repeating a couple (especially #2!). 

🤗 May this save you time, money, and energy when you 🛑 stop

1. Holding out for high paying clients with an empty schedule rather than getting more experience working with people at lower price points.

2. Taking additional certification programs or trainings that aren’t in your zone of genius rather than sharing your current expertise.

3. Paying people to make fancy graphics/websites for you rather than creating valuable content and being IN your work with clients.

4. Having no clue what kind of client you’re actually inspired to work with and what they’re struggling with.

5. Trying to figure it out by watching other people rather than investing in professional mentorship.

6. Not having any honest feedback on your content, services, offers.

If you found this valuable, you will love The Prosperity Series. 16 audio lessons on feminine business success strategies. Everything from how to work with the fear of failure to how get over social media posting paralysis.

I also work with women 1:1 in building, growing, and refining their businesses.

It’s less complicated than you think,


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