
Money, time, and energy-saving Do’s and Don’ts for Femmepreneurs

July 23, 2023

16 Do’s and Don’t for my femme entrepreneurs (men, most of these apply to you, too). 1. Don’t get caught up perfecting the look of your website. The number of millionaires I know with outdated, clunky sites… 2. Do write clear, specific copy. The importance of this cannot be overstated. If this isn’t your forté, […]

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I'm Caite!

I'm a rule-breaking holistic healer and transformation coach, here to empower you to pursue your most audacious desires without sacrificing your vitality, turn-on, or mental health in the process.


Ready to  actually do the damn thing?


Work with me 1-on-1 or gather in a group container.

16 Do’s and Don’t for my femme entrepreneurs (men, most of these apply to you, too).

1. Don’t get caught up perfecting the look of your website. The number of millionaires I know with outdated, clunky sites…

2. Do write clear, specific copy. The importance of this cannot be overstated. If this isn’t your forté, hire someone to help you (raises hand).

3. Don’t pay for SEO work. 95% of the time it’s money down the drain. Don’t risk it.

4. Do collect Google reviews and testimonials about results. Ask happy clients to share!

5. Don’t worry about a consistent instagram aesthetic (no one cares unless your content is sh*t and then they’re only following because it’s pretty to look at, not because they want to pay you). Again, the most successful women I know don’t have polished and perfectly branded pages, they do this next one.

6. Do share your personal story, knowledge, and perspective often. You’re competing for attention span in a world that is inundated with content. When you are out-of-sight, you are out-of-mind in the online space, especially if you’re a newer business. You have to take up some space. This is only do-able if you aren’t spending hours on every post (hence, #5).

7. Don’t spend time or money on fancy email templates (they’re actually more likely to get filtered into spam).

8. Do start and build our email list now. I don’t care if you only have 10 people to put on there, create an email list, collect the emails of your clients, ask for emails when you network.

9. Don’t share about an offer or service 1-3 times and then give up because no one purchased/scheduled.

10. Do assume people need to hear about it 10-20 times before they’re a yes. You only annoy the people who aren’t interested (no loss to you), and the people who are even a little interested aren’t annoyed (they just scroll past or delete the email if they don’t want it).

11. Don’t try to make your content inoffensive and likable to everyone. You just make yourself bland and forgettable.

12. Do say and share the controversial, feather-ruffling things…frequently. Standing for something is how you magnetize your people. Did you know I think modern psychiatry is a total sham and everyone would be better off with psychedelics, meditation, and wilderness immersions? See, there we go.

13. Don’t schedule long work days the 3 days before and first two days of your bleed.

14. Do plan networking, video content creation, launches, and presentations during ovulation when you’re most extroverted, energized, and radiant.

15. Don’t expect your creativity OR productivity to be consistent or predictable (I know, reality check).

16. Do plan for your business to flow in cycles of growth, maintenance, and destruction (it cannot be avoided any more than death can), and know how to embrace each cycle.

If this was helpful, you’re going to loooove The Prosperity Series.

Practical, body-loving business strategies you can implement right now to grow your bank account without burning yourself out.

I added Pay-What-You-Can pricing so this is accessible even if you’re just starting out in your business.

I want you to thrive,


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