
Women, Stop Taking this Biohacking Advice from Men

December 5, 2023

Biohacking advice from men that doesn’t make sense for female bodies due to our unique biorhythms. 1. Fasting is great for you! Fasting for women in their reproductive years does not have the same benefits as for men and most of the research on fasting has been done on men. Fasting windows longer than 14 […]

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I'm a rule-breaking holistic healer and transformation coach, here to empower you to pursue your most audacious desires without sacrificing your vitality, turn-on, or mental health in the process.


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Biohacking advice from men that doesn’t make sense for female bodies due to our unique biorhythms.

1. Fasting is great for you!

Fasting for women in their reproductive years does not have the same benefits as for men and most of the research on fasting has been done on men. Fasting windows longer than 14 hours for women will leads to hormone imbalance over time and benefits only outweigh risks in cases where immune system reset is necessary like cancer, autoimmune disease, and some other conditions. 

2. More coffee!

Female bodies are more sensitive to toxins and coffee is often full of pesticides and mycotoxins. If already feeling stressed, the cortisol spike from coffee can create further imbalance, especially hormonally. 

3. Eat keto and carnivore!

Female bodies need carbohydrates for thyroid function and hormone production. Fiber is needed to help metabolize estrogen properly. Antioxidants and fiber from plant foods assist in mitigating the impact of environmental toxins and toxins from personal care products which female bodies are more sensitive to and women are exposed to many hundreds more toxic chemicals daily due to beauty products. 

4. Veggies are overrated!

See above. That being said, eating large amounts of cruciferous veggies (cauli rice I’m looking at you) and raw salad is a recipe for feeling bloated and tired all the time. 

5. Cold plunges to start the day!

Again, hormetic effects can have a negative impact on healthy hormone production in women. Eastern medicine wisely advises against cold exposure to the womb, especially during luteal and menstruation as it stagnates and congeals blood. We want more blood flow to the reproductive organs, not less. 

6. HIIT 4x week to burn fat!

Any cardio exercise that keeps your heart rate elevated for more than 20 minutes is going to spike cortisol and register as stress to the body. This isn’t necessarily bad, but when you are already under stress, adding in high stress workouts make it more likely that a woman’s body will not produce adequate progesterone. High cortisol levels disrupt sleep and hunger cues, suppress immune function and lead to weight gain around the midsection, among other undesirable effects. So if the goal is fat burning, more cardio is often counter-productive for women.

7. Raw milk daily!

If you’re going to consume dairy, raw milk is preferable to pasteurized dairy, and certainly better than reduced fat milk which is full of sugar and missing the necessary fats to absorb the useful fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and k2 (these are harmed by the pasteurization process, which is why companies add back in synthetic versions).

Baby cow food is high in hormones like estrogen, steroids and growth factors  designed to help baby cows grow, which for humans can be a superfood in small quantities but problematic at higher doses. The estrogenic effect is especially troublesome for women who are already inundated with plastics that have an estrogenic effect, increasing risk of reproductive cancers and tumor growth.

Milk is yin in nature and damp in nature— meaning it tends to cause mucus-production, stagnation of fluids, and slows down digestion. Daily intake often leads to constipation which inhibits the body’s ability to detox properly and for women, this is a higher risk than for men. 

Women’s bodies have unique needs due to the cyclical nature of hormones, especially during reproductive years. Life feels a lot easier when you learn to work with your biology and the rhythms of the moon cycle.



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